Quick Tutorial
Our 3-minute Guide to Help You Use WISLR Like a Pro
We hope you’re as excited as we are to get those URLs over to WISLR’s algorithm. If it’s your first time using WISLR, this quick start guide will help you process your files and read the matching results.
Uploading Your Files
Here’s a few things to know regarding file management when using WISLR:
Uploaded files should only be Comma Separated Value (CSV) files
Individual file size cannot exceed 50MB
For the CSV file content, accepted CSV Headers are:
URL is a required header, where all URL values should be listed. WISLR will work super fine with just URL data, but you can give it more if you have it.
SKU and Dimension are optional headers. If you include these values, the algorithm will apply them as meta data for the row they are added to. For example, these values will be associated together:
Sunny Days are in your Future
There is a limit of 2,048 characters for all ‘SKU’ and ‘Dimension’ cells in your CSV. The algorithm will truncate any strings that exceed this limit down to the threshold. ‘URL’ data has no limit on character length.
Here’s a File Upload Template to get you started. Send us a chat if you need help. Happy URL matching!
Reading the Returned WISLR Match File
When the algorithm has finished analyzing the URL datasets it will return a CSV file you can download. This file will include:
All unique Origin URLs uploaded
The (1) best Destination URL match
It is possible for some Destination URLs to not get mapped to an Origin URL, if a Destination URL is score lower than other URLs for the best match.
The final match file will have these headers:
Here’s a description of each field:
URL - the unique Origin URL string
Best_Match_ID - the unique system identifier for a Destination URL
Best_Match_URL - the unique Destination URL string
Score_301 - a value from 0 to 1, calculating the strength of the match. A score of (1) indicates the Origin and Destination URL are an exact match to one another, value for value. A score of (0) indicates that the match strength is very low quality. A value, such as 0.80, would indicate that the URL taxonomy between the Origin and Destination is a very strong pair. A low value, such as 0.20, does not indicate a poor match necessarily. It indicates that the URL taxonomy between the Origin and Destination is very different and this pairing was returned as the best result from the datasets provided.
SKU_Match - a binary value (True / False) that indicates if the SKU value was used to make the URL pairing
Redirect_Loop - a binary value (True / False) that indicates if implementing the Origin and Destination would create a redirect loop (pointing a URL with one value to another URL of the same value). False is the value you want to avoid Redirect loops.
Multiple_Matches - a binary value (True / False). An experimental field at the moment. It will indicate if multiple matches are returned for an Origin URL and the Destination URL. It surfaces matches that have the same ‘Score_301’ value from the analyzed datasets.
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